Monday, June 26, 2017

The Gift of Tongues is Real

Having a new companion is a big adventure! Sestra Crosby is wonderful! I'm so proud of her! She is out on the street every day talking to everyone and being a great missionary. She has such a strong desire to help people and to share with them about our Savior Jesus Christ. I love her!

When I was in Zagreb to pick up sister Crosby last week, I spent a P-Day with the sisters there! One of them misplaced their phones, so we went on a phone hunt all across Zagreb until we eventually ended up in the police station to report it missing. In the police station they questioned and then laughed at why all five of us came together to report one person's missing phone. Hah mission life. We told them we're always together :)

Sestra Crosby and I met someone the street this week who told us how family is really important to them and wanted to meet up with us. We met on Saturday night and taught about the restoration of the fullness of Jesus Christ's gospel to the earth. It was so awesome. I was so nervous because I don't feel very strong in this language still, but the spirit was certainly there and we didn't have perfect understanding, but we understood what Heavenly Father needed us to in order to meet the need. It was so great and I'm so grateful that we chose to stop on the street and talk! This week has really been a testimony to me that the Gift of Tongues is real. I don't understand everything still. In fact, I still don't understand much. But I am able to understand and convey what the Lord needs from me, which is really cool!

We had a really neat experience just this morning as well. We were contacting and we happened to be near the church. We started talking with a woman and ended up inviting her to come see the church. I think I caught her a little by surprise, but before we knew it, we were inside the church and showing her around. I bore my testimony to her of the blessings of the sacrament and my testimony of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. And then I just randomly asked her if she'd like to hear one of the hymns we sing before the sacrament. I played As Now We Take the Sacrament and then bore my testimony again of how I feel the Holy Ghost bring peace to my heart and strength each time I take the sacrament. And guess what she said?! She said, "Just like the Holy Ghost is testifying right now." It was so neat!

We had to change our outfits twice yesterday after getting caught in freak flash floods...twice :) The first one was just a little bit after church. We had been out contacting and we were headed home for some Kosilo when we passed by a cafe whose umbrellas had blown over. We stopped to try and help them get them put away, but then the rain started. And by rain, I basically mean that it was a flood. We ran home as fast as we could in our skirts and flats, but I bet we were quite the site to be seen. "Mormon Missionaries Lost in Great Slovenian Flood." :)

I love you all. It's been a good week here in Celje! I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love the chance that I have to repent each day and be changed! Repentance is such a beautiful gift from our Heavenly Father. Don't forget to smile at everyone you see. Everyone can use a smile.

Sestra Brown

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Independent of the Circumstances


Thank you for the awesome pictures and updates! I got the dress you made for me and it's awesome! I'm wearing it right now. Thanks mom! 

Well, big news! I have just become a trainer. haha aren't I still being trained?  Shouldn't I actually still be in the MTC or something? News for Sestra Crosby's family - I am going to get your daughter from the airport tomorrow and I am SO EXCITED to meet her! I'm sure she's basically coming pre-trained and I'll be learning from her!

We had a branch activity this week where we learned to make homemade lotion, vinegar, and elderflower juice (Sestra Roberts and I taught this one). 

Sister Kanell and I decided to try a new finding technique where we just wait for other people to come up and talk to us and we found it to be pretty successful :) I'm just kidding about this, we're contacting everyone. But we did have a few funny fellas come up to talk with us this week. One man was serenading us with Bob Dylan music. And another man decided it was a good idea to try to hypnotize us in the middle of center. Luckily, neither of us were hypnotized and we made it home without any issues :)

I don't have much time, but I just wanted to share a thought about relying on our Savior. 

In the first and sixth chapters of 3 Nephi we learn about a people who were persecuted for believing in Jesus Christ and believing signs and miracles that had been prophesied. These people received "persecutions and railings" because of their faith but they still chose to look forward with faith in Jesus Christ. I'm probably not explaining this very well because I'm rushing, but the point is that our faith should be independent of the circumstances in which we find ourselves. God loves us. Jesus Christ loves us and came to earth so that we can return home to live with God again and so that we receive all that God wants to bless us with. Sometimes life is really tough, but we can always look forward with faith and hope for better things to come! And we can trust that there is better in the future! In this life and eternity. 

As we learn to rely on Jesus Christ and his strength and mercy, He can and will make us instruments in his hands to do good in the world. I love that! Trust that you can make a difference for others and He will show you how.

Lots of love from this side of the world, 
Sestra Brown

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Logarska Dolina - Almost in Austria

Mom! Thank you so much for taking care of me even when I'm halfway around the world. I wish that I could be the one to call you and ask for help with the FBI clearance thing, but sister Thompson gets to do that. Thank you for the dresses, and help! I love you!

I don't think I will have a computer today.

I love your thought from Helaman. It's definitely tough to stay optimistic here. We're not actually teaching anyone right now which is really hard for me. Who knows what's going to happen at transfers this week? We'll find out I just a couple days. 

We hiked to a place called Logarska Dolina or something like that...Google it! It's gorgeous. It's right up against the Austrian border. We almost drove into Austria on accident because we got lost haha :) 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Rescued from the Storm - Literally!

Well, it's blazing hot over here! For the last couple weeks, Sestra Kanell and I have been sleeping with a fan in our room (but still boiling) and had two fans running 24/7 in the apartment. Just last night, we made the switch to TWO fans in our room at night :) We were hard-pressed to even find a second outlet, but we succeeded! And just today we purchased night gowns that maybe look like they're from the 60s, but they're light and breeezy, so we're hoping for at least a decent night’s sleep tonight! The people of Slovenija do not believe in air conditioners... 

This week I was dive-bombed by a pigeon in center and this morning Sestra Kanell was attacked by a spider on her desk. It's been eventful here in Celje :)

We're having a great time! We were walking through center the other day and stopped to talk with a woman on a bench. She began to cry as she told us about her life. We had a neat opportunity to share with her our testimonies of a loving Heavenly Father who cares about each one of individually. We got to share with her that God's plan is far greater than just our time here on Earth. It's an eternal plan. I hope that she was able to feel comfort and peace from the things we shared. It's neat to see that God leads us to be where he needs us to be and to talk to those who need to feel his love at specific times.

This week we walked to the very edge of our area - about an hour away - to meet with a man and talk to him about the restoration of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth. After meeting with him we began to knock doors and invite others to learn as well. It was seriously warm that day and we really just wanted some water, but we were so far from home so we basically just had to stick it out and keep working. But I think we were both praying in our hearts and minds that someone might offer us water. We knocked on a door and the woman happened to know missionaries (not too crazy since Celje is really small) and be friends with them (Crazy! because most people aren't too keen to talk with us let alone be friends!). AND she invited us in for some sok :) Talk about an answer to our prayers! As we sat in her home and talked, a huge storm blew in and it was pouring rain. Serious flash flood. So she was a miracle again and offered to drive us home! So so so so kind. She was a miracle for us twice in one day, sent straight from heaven.

So grateful for a Father in Heaven who loves us and is aware of us. So grateful for Jesus Christ and the power that he has to change me and help me to become more like him. I'm so grateful for the peace I have because I know that I am a daughter of God. 


Sestra Brown