Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Actively Resist Evil

Hello from Maribor!
We had some really funny experiences this week as well as some really amazing ones! I'll start with the funny. My family will could all tell you that I have a very small bladder and a habit of basically needing to stop at every single reststop on the drive from Spokane to Provo.
Well, because of this problem, I find myself wandering to and from the bathroom a few times per night. Sorry, too much information. Well, the other night I was trying to get back to my bed in the dark. I thought I was on it, but it turns out that only my left leg was on the bed and my right was in middair. So when I tried to put weight on the right leg, my leg and my whole body with it went crashing to the floor! My back crashed into our closet door which rattled as loud as Darth Vader's breathing and I think I woke up the entire blok (apartment building). The next morning, I found it terribly difficult to kneel while I prayed because of the nasty goose egg on my knee. How's that for some good sound sleep :) We had a great time going to a classical concert in Ljubljana with one of our investigators as well!
I've learned a lot about the power of prayer to help us withstand temptation and trials which are before us. In the Book of Mormon, in 3 Nephi, Jesus Christ teaches us about prayer. he teaches us that Satan wants to tempt us so that he can "sift us as wheat" which means throwing us in the air and letting us be blown away and lost in the wind. Satan doesn't want us to succeed in returning to our Father in Heaven. Lucky for us, our Father in Heaven loves us and has provided help for us to resist Satan. It doesn't mean that we just have to pray and sit back and relax - no, it's going to take work and constant effort. But with Jesus Christ's help it is more than possible! I know that there is power in prayer and that we an receive the strength and help which we need as we turn to our Father in Heaven in sincere, earnest, and FAITHFUL prayer. Let's put our trust in God and actively resist evil (Alma 61:13-14) today! We have a good friend who is trying to stop smoking and he has found that when he turns to God in prayer and in the Book of Mormon, he has greater strength to withstand the temptation to smoke, strength that is greater than his own. That's what happens when we turn to and trust in God. We receive strength greater than our own.
And don't forget to spread the light of Jesus Christ this Christmas season by finding opportunities to serve those around you! Help others to understand how much God loves them. 
also known as 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Winter Coats and Prayers

About church - we had more than 7 yesterday. We had eleven members for part of sacrament meeting. 

So I translate during sacrament and then I translate during relief society so church is kind of rough for me. Translating is so hard because you have to listen in Slovene, then speak in English while your trying to continue listening to something different in Slovene. And in Slovene you can get ideas across MUCH quicker that in Slovene. And believe me, they do. President Fidler speaks about a million miles an hour. He spoke yesterday.

Sister Jennings and I finally pulled out our puffy winter coats to put up a little more of a fight against the wind! I put mine on only to realize that it fits a little more snug than it did when I wore it last year :) Just adding a little extra to keep me warm during the winter, I guess.

We had lunch with our branch president's family yesterday and their sweet three-yr old son grabbed hold of my ankle and had me drag him around on the floor. I told his mom that we were just mopping up the leftovers from the meal. It caused me some serious deja vu because I remember doing that to the elders who served in my home ward years and years ago!
I've had more people try to pay me this week than ever before on the mission. Sister Jennings and I have been knocking on doors and asking if we can sing for people and if they say yes, without fail, they will try to pay us afterward. I know that I am not a good singer, so I attribute it to Sister Jenning's INCREDIBLE voice as well as the kindness of the Slovene people. Needless to say, we refuse their money and ask them if we can teach them about Jesus Christ instead. We've actually had a lot of success with what we call 'sing-tracting'!

We had a miracle last week. It has started to get full dark around 4 or 5 in the evening, which is not so great for two young girls who are walking around trying to talk to people. We were walking along a pathway at about 6 pm and there was no one around. As we kept walking we came in sight of a man coming towards us, so we stopped under a streetlight and began to talk with him. We learned that he had never prayed in his life with his own words, just from memorized prayers which he had been taught. We learned that he had never felt that he had received an answer to prayer. So we read with him in the Book of Mormon when Jesus Christ teaches us how to pray and WHY we pray. For him, it was kind of like a new world being opened up. 
We CAN pray with our own words and we CAN receive answers from heaven. 

He was so intrigued as Sister Jennings and I told him that we had both received answers to prayer in a very personal way from God, our loving Father in heaven. The Lord will work miracles before us even when it's completely dark outside, it seems like no one is around, and it maybe seems a little sketchy.. :) 

I just want to say that I know God answers prayers because He loves us. He loves his children and He wants us to find truth. There is so much power in our sincere prayers! I know that God lives and I know that He loves us. And I know that we can each know that for ourselves through sincere prayer. Don't be afraid to ask!

Love, Sestra Brown

Monday, November 6, 2017

Tripping and Testifying


We had a wonderful week here in Maribor filled with a trip to the cemetery, a trip to Zagreb, a trip back to middle school, and a little girl nearly tripping out of her father's arms. Okay, that last one was kind of a stretch - 'falling' would be a better word.

The cemetery. People really respect and honor their family who have passed on in this country. It's a beautiful part of the culture. At this time of year, everyone goes to the cemeteries and lights white candles in red plastic coverings to place at the graves of their families. When you see the cemetery at night, it looks as if the whole thing is glowing. It's amazing. We were able to go with a member of our branch to visit her parents and uncle in the cemetery.

Zagreb. We had a special zone conference in Zagreb this week with the missionaries in Croatia as well as Elder De Feo. Sister Melonakos talked with us about our divine nature as sons and daughters of God.
This fact is so simple and so profound and it will change the way you see yourself and others. It can be easy to feel worthless in a world that tries to tell you your worth comes from the size of your bank account, the size of your body, or the size of your IQ. Here's what I know: your worth is independent of any of those things. Your worth does not change or fluctuate as the circumstances of your life change.
You are worth everything to God because you are his child. And our Heavenly Father doesn't lose sight of our worth even when we do. So when you question who you are, let Him remind you of His love. And then try to see others with his love!

Middle school. Sister Jennings and I were bullied yesterday by twelve year olds. It was one of the saddest things I have seen here - little boys who are twelve years old smoking, and then using what English profanity they knew as well as innapropriate Slovene to act towards us the way they did. It made me feel SO grateful to have been raised in a home where I was taught to follow Jesus Christ and to make good choices. I bet it is really hard to be a parent and it's probably especially tough when your kids don't want to listen. But don't give up! It is so worth it to keep trying, keep teaching, and keep loving!

I think that family scripture study and family prayer are key!

Little girl. Last week, Sister Jennings and I met a man on the side of the street who was holding his daughter in his arms. She had lots of energy and was not content to be held peacefully, nor was she content to be placed on the ground :) So while we were chatting with her dad, she was squirming and trying to escape. This has turned out to be the most incredible family! We were able to meet with them last night and talk with them about our Heavenly Father's great love for his children here. Pray for them that we can go back and continue to teach them and that they will recognize the Holy Ghost teaching them.

I would just like to add my witness to my baby brother's that I also know the Book of Mormon is from God and that it brings us closer to Him! I have noticed that so much this week. God wants to help us to find direction in our lives and as we search with sincerity and ask with faith, he will guide, direct, and answer us! I love The Book of Mormon because it helps me recognize God's love for me. I feel His love as I study and learn from it.

I love you!

Sestra Brown