Sunday, May 20, 2018

A week of Miracles

It has certainly been a week of miracles. We had a few times this week where we got completely lost, but by the time we were headed home we knew that although we may have thought we were lost, we were exactly where the Lord needed us to be. We were not lost to our Father in Heaven. That's a neat thing! We were able to find people who we never would have found if we had stayed on our own schedule and plan, but who were prepared to hear a message of love from God who loves them more than they will ever understand. I loved it. 
It's kind of like that in life. We may be a little uncertain, but we can know with certainty that when we are living the commandments of God and loving His children with all our hearts then we are right where He needs us to be. Whether we can see the reason for it or not. He can see the reason.
Church was also a miracle yesterday! We had a few visiting families from various cities in Slovenija and it was such a treat to hear lots of children during the meeting. One of the speakers asked "Does that bother you?" referring to noise of the children. She then went on to talk about how if we are bothered then we should take a good look at ourselves and our priorities, because we need our children. They are the reason. They are precious to the Lord and He wouldn't have them anywhere else besides right there in sacrament meeting. What a neat perspective! A perspective filled with God's love.
Speaking of sacrament meeting we had four friends who came. 

I pray that as we go throughout this week, we might see the people around us through the eyes of our Father in Heaven. What does He see in that person? Becuase He sees His son or daughter who He loves dearly. And He sees the same when He looks at you. 
I love you! I know that God loves you. And I know that He wants us to love one another and if that's tough, He wants to help us with it. Pray and ask Him to be filled with his love for those around you. 
It's all about love. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Lord Wants to Work Miracles in our Lives


I loved fasting yesterday. I can always feel the Lord giving extra strength and faith when I fast. Especially at the end of a fast. We had planned dinner for 6 pm and we went out to talk to people at 5 after a couple of studies. We were totally physically exhausted and, but I could just feel the Lord lifting me. He was helping me to love. He was helping me to feel joy. He was helping me to have faith. I don't think we saw any neat miracles. We didn't find anyone who wanted to talk to us, but I could feel the Lord strengthening me and that is a miracle in my eyes. I have really gained a testimony of the law of the fast here on the mission. It is powerful. The Lord wants to work miracles in our lives. He wants us to know and feel that He is supporting us. And when we act in faith, He can and will lift us and strengthen us. I loved that. 
That is crazy that you ran into Larry and that he lives in Kendra's complex! How fun! I am glad that he seems happy. I was grateful for the rescue when I broke my arm. That was certainly a traumatic experience for me haha. 
Good job avoiding the alcohol. Did I tell you about the only two times (at least as far as I'm aware) that I've had alcohol? Both happened in Celje here on the mission haha. I think I wrote about them long ago. I guess that's what happens when you don't really speak Slovene so you don't know what dessert you've ordered! 
Yeah, it was so fun to have Sister Beus here yesterday. She is awesome! Lots of the sisters who I have served with are either already married or getting married this summer, which is a little crazy. 

Sister Rogers is doing well. She is slowly getting adjusted to life in the field and the different stresses that come with that, but she is doing well. I love her!  This week we got to go to the home of some of our English students to help in their garden. In reality they wanted to feed us way too much food but they eventually let us do some planting of flowers and herbs! I love them. They are honestly like the sunshine here. I have found in each city that there are some people who just fill you. You feel so much love for them and you don't even know why and it just comes so easily. For me in Ljubljana, it is these two.  It was such a pleasure to be in their home and to talk with them. They actually have a 98 year old cousin who lives in Utah! I keep telling them they should come to Utah and visit her and call me when they come! I hope they will :) 

So that was neat! 

We had an amazing lesson with one of our investigators and the spirit was so strong as we taught about the law of chastity. It was amazing. 

We did some chalk contacting in Tivoli park with the other Ljubljana sisters, so that was great! 

Sorry, I feel like I never tell you that much about what we actually did during the week, so I thought I would fill you in. We spent the first part of the week in Zagreb, so it just kind of feels like everything has been a whirr.