Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Watching seeds Grow

Things were good here this week. I went on exchange with Sister Jennings in Celje this week! It was really interesting to walk the streets and see so many people that I recognize and know. Unbelievable. We had a really neat lesson and a miracle along with it! A young woman walked into the church for a lesson and when she saw me she turned to sister Jennigs and said "Is this the sister you were telling me about?" Then she turns to me and says, "I think you know my mother!" She went on to tell me her mother's name and that she used to meet with sisters about a year ago! Well, of course I know her mother! What a neat thing. I met this woman on the river in Celje over a year ago with SIster Kanell. We sat down on a bench to talk with her and she said that she had seen the missionaries many times and wanted to talk with them, but they had never stopped to talk with her until that moment! I would see her periodically over the next 6 months living in Celje and she always just lit up when she saw us. She would come over and give a big hug and tell us how she wants to meet. Well, the sisters in Celje found her daughter and are teaching her about the restored gospel and she invited them to come to her home so they can teach her mother as well. What a neat thing to see the Lord's influence within this family spread across more than a year and lots of different missionaries to be able to help this family!
Sister Crosby and I were waiting in the church the other evening for someone who we were planning to teach and we heard the door open and close. Assuming that it would be the man we were waiting for, we stepped out into the hallway to find someone else! A father with his two children walking into the church. He told us that he had been a pretty regular participant in our English conversation group years ago, and he was walking by with his children and felt like he wanted to come inside. What a miracle that we were there and the church was open so that he could come in! He told us that his children really wanted to see inside as well :) 

One of our investigators had a great baptismal interview and is getting baptized on saturday! 

Another decided on a baptismal date for August 
Trying to find some new people to teach, but it's been tough. Any ideas??

Our Heavenly Father is aware of each one of his beloved children and that means that He is very aware of YOU. He is listening to us as we sincerely pray to him. I believe in God. I believe and know that He lives and He loves us. I believe in the power of the Book of Mormon, words of prophets and our savior to bring us closer and closer to Jesus Christ and to protect us from the darkness around us and the darkness that sometimes comes into our hearts and minds. When it's hard for you, have courage and faith to turn to God and trust in him and he will bring you through. 

Lep pozdrav,
Sestra Brown

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