Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Faith is a Choice

This week was great and next week is going to be ever greater! I went on exchanges in Ljubljana and had some great experiences. First, I met a man named Zdravko who proceeded to tell me about how he used to throw discus for BYU. Wait what? It was the most random encounter! He was so neat and kind! If I'm ever back in Ljubljana, I'm determined to find him. He told me that maybe he would go to church on Sunday (he's not a member) wearing his BYU letterman's jacket :)
Sister Kanell and I visited a woman who hasn't been coming to church for a number of years and we had a wonderful discussion about God's love for us which motivated the restoration of the fulness of Christ's gospel and his church to the earth. As I talked with her about Joseph Smith, tears began to roll down her cheeks. And then she offered me a robček and I realized that I was crying too. I think it may have been the most powerful moment I've experienced in the last eight months. I know that our Heavenly Father loves us.
Sister Crosby and I had a neat little miracle the other day. We were walking back to our apartment in pants and t-shirts because we'd been helping in someone's garden and we passed a cafe only to see one of our former investigators sitting there! So he invited us over and we were able to have a great conversation with him. Tender mercies.
The best moment of my week happened while I was sitting at the piano Sunday morning. I was playing prelude music and I happened to look up over the piano to see a man and a woman come in and sit down. Once they sat down, I had a clear view of their faces and I realized that it was a member who hasn't come to church in a long long time as well as his girlfriend. We've been working with them for a while and hoped and prayed and prayed and hoped that they would come.

I'm learning more and more clearly that faith is a CHOICE. And the choice will be hard to make if our faith is not centered on Jesus Christ who is the source of light and hope in this crazy world. Jesus Christ is the light of our world and we will have light in our lives as we CHOOSE to turn to him, to trust him, and to follow him. 

Love you! Have a great week!

Sestra Brown

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