Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Sestra Brown in Celje - Week 2

Let's see if I can tell you a little about this week. If I can even remember anything that has happened.... 

Funny things:

Well they have random holidays here, right? Well when that happens in America, you know that most places are still open. You can count on Walmart any day anytime. Well...not so here in Slovenia :) we really need groceries, but we basically checked every single grocery store in the city and nothing is open hah. Too bad yesterday wasn't fast Sunday - we could have just had a three day fast :)

On Thursday it was just dumping rain. Dumping. And we were walking down s main street on our way to some blocks where we were going to tract. A semi truck drove past and gave us a nice shower :) it was good because I don't think I'd actually rinsed all the soap from my hair that morning! 

We tried to make pizza on Thursday and totally failed. Like we were literally scraping the pizza off the pan with a knife and spatula haha. Not sure how we turned it into such a mess, but we did. So we had pizza mush for dinner :)

Satan really doesn't want us to be Preach My Gospel missionaries! We were studying and I spilled my drink all over not one, but both my copies of PMG (Slovene and English). So that was kind of sad, but I blow dried them and now they're fine.  
This is the Work of the Lord:

We haven't taught a whole ton, but we did teach a couple times this week. we had a wonderful lesson someone whose life is really tough right now. The spirit was so strong. We shared Mosiah 24:15 and testified of Jesus Christ and how he strengthens us when we turn to him. He can strengthen us through all things we experience.

We had branch conference yesterday and I really feel a need to focus on the temple here. We only really have access to one corner in the church, but I want to start teaching a family history class. We're going to see if we could do that in the library, but I don't know if that will be allowed or not. Thanks for what you shared, mom. Families are meant to be eternal and they can be! That is the beautiful and happy news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are eternal beings! We lived before we came to earth and we will live again after our lives here! I'm so grateful to know that Jesus Christ lives. He does.

I’m so grateful for the promises that the Lord has made to me and to all of us in the scriptures. This week. Am trying to focus on and trust more in these promises. I particularly love the scripture in Moroni that says "fear not what man can do for perfect love casteth out all fear." Or something along those lines. I want to choose to trust in God rather than fear man. And I want to choose to see people through God's eyes and to love them as he does. God loves his children (us). He loves you. I testify that he really truly does. I feel his love for complete strangers on the street each day and that's why I'm here. God loves his children and he wants us to know him. 

Sestra Brown

I heard that Sestra Brown played the piano while her companion played the violin and the Elders in their Branch sang a musical number.  Wish I could have been there.

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