My favorite moment of this week happened Tuesday evening.
There is a friend here who graduated from music school and is a
very talented pianist. I've lived in Maribor for three months and had never heard him play,
but on Tuesday he had been researching his family history with Sister Crnich
and afterwards he sat down at the piano and began to play. It was so beautiful.
The music was incredible, but even more beautiful was to see him have the
courage to do something he loved despite the fear which he felt. He faced his
fear and overcame it and it brought light into the lives of those who were
blessed to be there.
Sometimes our fears hold us back and keep us from
reaching the limitless potential which resides in us as children of God,
particularly in those who have made powerful covenants with God.
Have a great week!
Give an extra smile, laugh, and lift
somebody who needs lifting.
Sestra Stephanie Brown
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